Je participerai les 8 et 9 février prochains aux Rencontres Professionnelles de la télévision, dans le cadre du Festival TV de Luchon . Le thème choisi cette année « Pour plus de valeur, économique et sociétale ». Ces Rencontres ont pour objectif de réunir professionnels, experts et décideurs politiques pour susciter une réflexion commune sur les enjeux et les défis…
“Exterminate all these brutes”: Raoul Peck's vibrant tribute to history's vanquished
Prior to its launch on Arte I had the great honor to discover/rediscover together #exterminateallthebrutes at@cinema_arlequinthis remarkable and powerful film by@raoul_peckthat "tries to approach the other history, the one that has been silenced". A unique resource for the present and the future.…
Blessed to have received these words of encouragements from #ArchbishopDesmondTutu. It was a very special moment. In May 2015, for the anniversary of the Abolition of slavery in #Guadeloupe, in partnership with the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights, the students of the High Performing School, which I had co-founded with #AlanBoone in an underprivileged suburb…
"J’ai 2 amours, mon pays et Paris" #JosephineBaker, two countries 🇫🇷🇺🇸 united around human and universel values of #Inclusiondiversity.
I am proud and honored to have been invited by #Elysee the President #emmanuelmacron and Madame #BrigitteMacron to the nations tribute and recognition ceremony to celebrate the entry of #JosephineBaker into the #Pantheon. Through Josephine, I&D values…